Primary Sources
"Alexander Graham Bell Facts - Telephone, Inventions, Quotes."Alexander Graham Bell Facts for Kids - Telephone, Inventions, Quotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2015.
This website is about Alexander Bell and some facts about how he made a huge impact in our life today. Facts such as his birthday, his everyday life and when he died were on this website. What I learned about this website is the fact that Bell invented multiple inventions. Not just the Telephone.
"Telephone & Light Patent Drawings." National Archives and Records Administration. National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2015.
The other things that he invented were unreal. He was a busy guy who truly left a legacy that nobody could ever replace. What I’ve learned from this website is the characteristics of Bell and some facts about his personal life.
"The First Telephone Call." The First Telephone Call. Web. 23 Jan. 2015. <>.
This is a video of the first talk through a telephone. It was a historical and significant day. He worked on for many months and never gave up.
"World of Famous Inventors and Inventions." Inventors. Web. 23 Jan. 2015. <>.
This website is about Alexander Bell and some facts about how he made a huge impact in our life today. Facts such as his birthday, his everyday life and when he died were on this website. What I learned about this website is the fact that Bell invented multiple inventions. Not just the Telephone.
"Telephone & Light Patent Drawings." National Archives and Records Administration. National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2015.
The other things that he invented were unreal. He was a busy guy who truly left a legacy that nobody could ever replace. What I’ve learned from this website is the characteristics of Bell and some facts about his personal life.
"The First Telephone Call." The First Telephone Call. Web. 23 Jan. 2015. <>.
This is a video of the first talk through a telephone. It was a historical and significant day. He worked on for many months and never gave up.
"World of Famous Inventors and Inventions." Inventors. Web. 23 Jan. 2015. <>.
Secondary sources
"Garden of Praise: Alexander Graham Bell Biography." Garden of Praise: Alexander Graham Bell Biography. Web. 8 Jan. 2015. <>.
If it wasn’t for bell, things would be different in the 21st century. This website talked about what could have been if Alexander Bell never invented the telephone.
PBS. PBS. Web. 9 Jan. 2015. <>.
More explanation on what he did for the deaf community. Since his mother was deaf, that made a huge impact on him and inspired him to do something for that specific community.
"Alexander Graham Bell at the Unveiling of a Plaque Commemorating the 1876 Invention of the Telephone, Boston, Mass., 1916." Alexander Graham Bell at the Unveiling of a Plaque Commemorating the 1876 Invention of the Telephone, Boston, Mass., 1916. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Dec. 2014.
Its about the legacy that Alexander Bell had on other people. Not only did he invent something unpredictable, there were other inventors as well that was interested in his work.
"Education: Essay." Disability History Museum--: Disability History Museum. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.
What this website contains what Bell did for leadership. He made a school for the deaf and from then on made newspapers and has a college name after him. If it was not for the school of the deaf, Bell would have never thought of the idea to invent a telephone.
"Alexander Graham Bell Inventions Telephone - Viewing Gallery." Alexander Graham Bell Inventions Telephone - Viewing Gallery. Web. 17 Feb. 2015. <>.
If it wasn’t for bell, things would be different in the 21st century. This website talked about what could have been if Alexander Bell never invented the telephone.
PBS. PBS. Web. 9 Jan. 2015. <>.
More explanation on what he did for the deaf community. Since his mother was deaf, that made a huge impact on him and inspired him to do something for that specific community.
"Alexander Graham Bell at the Unveiling of a Plaque Commemorating the 1876 Invention of the Telephone, Boston, Mass., 1916." Alexander Graham Bell at the Unveiling of a Plaque Commemorating the 1876 Invention of the Telephone, Boston, Mass., 1916. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Dec. 2014.
Its about the legacy that Alexander Bell had on other people. Not only did he invent something unpredictable, there were other inventors as well that was interested in his work.
"Education: Essay." Disability History Museum--: Disability History Museum. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.
What this website contains what Bell did for leadership. He made a school for the deaf and from then on made newspapers and has a college name after him. If it was not for the school of the deaf, Bell would have never thought of the idea to invent a telephone.
"Alexander Graham Bell Inventions Telephone - Viewing Gallery." Alexander Graham Bell Inventions Telephone - Viewing Gallery. Web. 17 Feb. 2015. <>.
"Graphophone." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 17 Feb. 2015. <>.
"Alexander Graham Bell." Famous Scientists. Web. 17 Feb. 2015. <>.
"Frequently Asked Questions." EHOAH. Web. 17 Feb. 2015. <>.
"Going to Radcliffe College." Going to Radcliffe College. Web. 17 Feb. 2015 <>.
"Alexander Graham Bell." Famous Scientists. Web. 17 Feb. 2015. <>.
"Frequently Asked Questions." EHOAH. Web. 17 Feb. 2015. <>.
"Going to Radcliffe College." Going to Radcliffe College. Web. 17 Feb. 2015 <>.